Company Services
We can help with the any aspects of a company’s problems. In summary these are:
If the company cannot continue then we can advise on the steps necessary to wind it up. This section includes details on all types of liquidation including solvent liquidation, where all of the companies outstanding debts can be met in full.
» Administration . | . » Company voluntary arrangements
We can help with formalising an arrangement with a company’s creditors and thus allowing the company to continue. We can act in obtaining the protection of the courts whilst putting forward suitable proposals by way of an Administration order.
It may be unnecessary to enter into a formal procedure. We can help with discussions with creditors and arrange repayment terms or refinancing / investment.
Sole trader / individual services
We can assist with a variety of options to help you through the problems you may be facing. These are :
» Individual voluntary arrangements
Formal procedures to come to a deal with creditors. These are very flexible deals which we can tailor to suit your specific individual needs. They can for example be based on making a repayment from income over a period of time to allowing you time to remortgage or sell a property.
We can assist in liaising between you and your creditors in an attempt to settle outstanding debts.
Creditor Services
If you are a creditor of an individual or company and would like to know what options you have, or would like us to represent you in a formal insolvency procedure or even be nominated by you to act as insolvency office holder please contact us on 01582 469700.
LPA Receivership
Although a LPA receiver does not need to be a licensed insolvency practitioner we are able to act as such. If you hold a fixed charge over any property and would like to appoint an LPA receiver please contact us on 01582 469700.
Complaints regarding the conduct of insolvency practitioners may be made via The Insolvency Service Complaints Gateway